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Adjunto un mensaje de un ufólogo francés nada escéptico acerca del informe
que Claude Poher va a publicar explicando las imágenes en infrarrojo del
avión de las FFAA mexicanas (cuya cámara tenía un problema de
calibración), las imágenes pueden deberse a las llamas de los pozos de
petróleo en el Golfo de Campeche.

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From: Gildas Bourdais <>
To: <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 17:21:52 +0200
Subject: Re: Oil Well Flames Objectively Investigated

>From: Richard Hall <>
>Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 21:38:50 +0000
>Subject: Re: Oil Well Flames Objectively Investigated


>On the other hand, note that so far little or no correlation has
>been found between the FLIR and the radar images. That should
>give us pause. Only continued real scientific investigation, not
>guesswork or surmise or arguments about personalities, may
>supply some answers.

To all,

I inform you of a study, just completed, by French former head of
GEPAN, Claude Poher, in favour of the oil well flames.

He intends to publish it soon in French, at the beginning of August.

He has given me a copy privetely, and I must say that it looks
impresive, although I am not competent enough to judge it.

I hope he will also make it available in English.

One argument is that the FLIR was not well calibrated for the
elevation. He could measure that thanks to images of the rising
Moon at the end of the FLIR video. Also, he calculates that the
FLIR images had to be those of distant objects.

As for the radar returns, the first ones would be from a plane
getting away and accelerating, and the ones at the end could be
from a vehicle on the road, as Brad Sparks has already

Let's hope that the test flight by the Mexican Air Force will
clarify all this. For my part, I will also wait for the
conclusion of Bruce Maccabee.

Gildas Bourdais


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